What is Néréides ?

Néréides is a student project led by future engineers from the University of Technology of Troyes (UTT). The projects aims to design, manufacture, and test a hydrogen-powered boat.

The Néréides team, consisting of 22 passionate students, will participate in the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 2024, from July 1st to July 6th, in the heart of the Principality of Monaco. They aspire to push the boundaries of sustainable innovation and advance marine technology. The Néréides team brings together a diversity of skills, experiences, and expertise, enabling them to design their own hydrogen-powered boat and compete against opponents from around the world during the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge organized by the Yacht Club de Monaco.

The University of Technology of Troyes

Founded in Troyes in 1994, the University of Technology of Troyes (UTT) is one of the five largest public engineering schools in France. It is part of the UT Group, a network of French universities of technology. As both a university and a grande école, UTT educates 3,100 students each year from high school to postgraduate level. The curriculum is based on the five Research Units of UTT.As a founding member of the EUt+ initiative, a European University of Technology, UTT is committed to its development on a European scale. UTT is also actively involved in a policy of corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability (RSE), directly linked to the institution's management.

Be part of the project !

To achieve this ambitious project, we need you! Our goal is to provide a successful partnership experience based on a relationship of trust. For this challenge focused on renewable energies, the Néréides project is seeking financial, material, and/or technological partners; innovative companies that will be proudly represented throughout the entire challenge. Together, let's design the world of tomorrow!
© Néréides - Made by Fantin SCHMITT